Nature and Scope of Zoology, Main Branches, Zoology Help

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>> Nature and Scope of Zoology and Main Branches

Live Zoology Experts: Nature and Scope of Zoology, Branches of Zoology, Assignment Help

Zoology experts at are providing help with homework and assignments for college studies and high school studies. We at offer zoology homework help, zoology assignment help, nature and scope of zoology case study and writing assignment help, main branches of zoology and their classification assignment help and instant project assistance with best online support for 24*7 hours. Our biology experts are highly qualified and experienced; they can make easy solutions for complex problems. Get solved zoology, nature and scope of zoology problems from qualified experts at

Keywords: Nature and scope of zoology, Branches of zoology, zoology, biology, Assignment assistance, Homework help, Project help, Live zoology tutors, Online Experts

Nature and Scope of ZoologyThe first study in biology was undertaken by Aristotle (384 - 322 B.C.), father of biology. The term biology was coined by Lamarck and Traviranus (1802).

Biology includes three major branches-Botany, Zoology and Microbiology. Botany is the study of plants. Theophrastus (370 - 287 B.C.) is the father of Botany. Zoology is the concern of animals. Aristotle is the father of Zoology. Microbiology deals with different aspects of micro-organisms.

Live Zoology Experts: Nature and Scope, Main Branches of Zoology, Assignment Help

We at are working conti, Zoology and Microbiology. Botany is the study of plants. Theophrastus (370 - 287 B.C.) is the father of Botany. Zoology is the concern of animals. Aristotle is the father of Zoology. Microbiology deals with different aspects of micro-organisms.

Main Branches of Zoology

1. . It includes :

(i) External Morphology: Study of external traits of an organism.

(ii) Internal Morphology: Study of internal structure. It includes:

(a) Anatomy: (ana = up, tome = cutting) Study of internal structure of an organism which can be observed with naked eye.

(b) Histology: (histos = tissue, logos = study): Study of microscopic structure of tissues after fixing, dehydrating, embedding, sectioning and staining.

(c) Cytology: (keytos = cells, logos = study) : Study of form and structure of cells.

3. Cell Biology is the branch of science that deals with the study of the cell as a fundamental unit of living organisms.

4. Molecular Biology: Study nature of bio-molecules and the r interaction.

5. Physiology: (physis = nature or functioning, logos = study) study of different types ot-body functions and processes.

6. Embryology (embryon = embryo, logos = study): The study of events that lead to fertilization, growth, division, and differentiation of zygote into an embryo.

7. Ecology: (eco = place of living, logos = study) Study of living organisms in relation to other organisms and their environment.

8. Genetics: (genetics = descent) Study of inheritance of characters from one generation to the next generation. It includes heredity and variations.

9. Evolution: (e = out, valva = roll) Study of origin of life and the study of continuous genetiC adaptations of organism to the environment.

10. Palaeontology: (palasis = ancient, on = being, logos = study) Study of fossils or the remains or organisms of past geological age. This includes palaeobotany and palaeozoology.

Palaeobotany: Study of fossil -piants.

Palaeozoology: Study of fossil animals.

11. Biogeography: Study of distribution of organism in various parts of earth. In includes phytogeography and Zoogeography.

Phytogeography: Study of distribution of plants.

Zoogeography: Study of distribution of animals.

12. Exobiology: (exo = outside, bios = life, logos = study) Study of possibility of living beings in other planets.

13. Endocrinology: Study of endocrine glands.

14. Parasitology: Study of parasites.