Five Counter Measures for Zero Break Down
Ideally, breakdowns can be eliminated by maintenance prevention (MP) or adoption of maintenance free design. Defects that go undetected and untreated are called hidden defects. To eliminate failures, we must expose hidden defects and treat equipment before it breaks down. The following five steps help eliminate failures :
- Maintaining well regulated basic conditions (cleaning, lubricating and bolting).
- Adhering to proper operating procedures.
- Restoring deterioration.
- Improving weaken in design.
- Improving operation and maintenance skills.
The inter relationship between the breakdown counter measures is shown in the Figure

Figure: Relationship between Breakdown Counter Measures
The above figure shows the relationships between these five counter measures. Everyone involved in equipment operation or maintenance must work to eliminate failures. Given figure shows division of labour between operation and maintenance departments in pursuing the goal of zero breakdowns.