Lead Angle Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Worm and Worm Gear - Lead Angle

Lead Angle (λ):

The angle at which the teeth are inclined to the normal to the axis of rotation. As illustrate in given figure. Lead angle is the complement of the helix angle,

That means ψ+ λ= 90o

 As angle between axes of shafts is 90o

       ψ1 + ψ2 = 90o

 Or, (90o - λ) + ψ2 = 90o

 or, λ= ψ2

That means lead angle of worm = helix angle of work gear

∴  pn of worm = pn of wheel

 or, px  cos λ= p2  cos ψ2


 λ= ψ2

∴  px = p2

It refers axial pitch of worm is equivalent to the circular pitch of worm gear.

240_Lead Angle.png

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