Chart Types Assignment Help

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Chart Types:

The subsequent list defines the categories of charts available which can be created along with their usage.

Column: Column Charts category is used to compare sets of data ranges vertically. For instance, a Column Chart can be used to display the quarterly sales revenue generated through each sales representative.

Bar: Bar Chart type is used to compare sets of data ranges horizontally. For instance, a bar chart could be used to compare monthly sales.

Line: Line chart type is used to display vertical modification for a specific set of data. For instance, a line chart can be used to guage daily or weekly modification in a stock's value.

Mixed: Mixed chart combines multiple plot types like as column and line. For instance, a mixed chart can be used to display daily sales revenue, with a line plot type to gives a summary view of the data.

Double-Y: Double Y chart type gives two independent Y-axes on that to plot data. Every Y-axis can show a various range of values. For instance, one axis can be used to represent revenue and the second axis can be used to represent income, for a specific month or year.

Pie: Pie Charts type is used to compare the ratios or percentages of parts of an overall. For instance, a pie chart can be used to compare annual revenue through department or quarter.

Table: Table Chart type is used to show data in a table format. For instance, a table chart can be used to show an Employee Organization Chart.

Scatter: Scatter chart type is used to display data along two-value axis. The Scatter charts are well suited for showing standard deviation. For instance, a scatter chart can be used to plot the target and the real sales for each salesman. If there is a correlation among the two sets of data, the points would be grouped together closely. A single or more points well outside the group could denote a disparity.

High-low: High Low chart type is used to display fields that correspond to high, low, and close which are stock prices. In every row a query, a high-low range is plotted on the chart.

Gantt: Gantt chart type is used to display sets of project data over a provide amount of time. Gantt charts are commonly used to show project milestone timelines.

Chart Templates:

Template is the format of a chart and its properties. A chart can be related with only one chart template at a time. Every chart template can be related with one or more field templates that define the properties of the individual fields, like as bars, columns, lines or pie slices.

Using a single chart template, the multiple charts with similar set of basic characteristics like as grid line settings or tick label rotation many more. can be created. For instance, instead of specifying the  properties  for  every  chart  individually,  a  single  chart  template  can  be  created  and relate it with multiple queries. The Chart Template Editor is used to work with chart templates.

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