Determine the maximum and minimum stress intensities at the base Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Walls and Pillars - Determine the maximum and minimum stress intensities at the base

Determine the maximum and minimum stress intensities at the base:

A masonry chimney 20 m high of uniform circular section, 5 m external diameter & 3 m internal diameter ought to withstand a horizontal wind pressure of intensity 2 kN/m2 of the projected area. Determine the maximum and minimum stress intensities at the base. Take unit weight of masonry as 21 kN/m3.


Height of the chimney, H = 20 m External diameter, D = 5 m Internal diameter, d = 3 m

Unit weight of masonry, γ = 21 kN/m3

Direct compressive stress because of self weight on the base of the chimney,

f0  = γ H = (21 × 20) = 420 kN/m2

Wind pressure, p = 2 kN/m2

Projected area, A = DH = 5 × 20 = 100 m2

Wind force, P = pA = 2 × 100 = 200 kN

Distance of centre of gravity of the wind force through base, = H/ 2 = 10 m

Bending moment, M = PH/ 2= 200 × 10 = 2000 kNm

Section modulus, Z =  (π/32) × (D4  - d 4 )/ D =  (π/32) ((5 4  - 34 )/5)

= 10.68 m

Bending stress,

f b  =± M/ Z

=± 2000/10.68

 = ± 187.266 kN/m2

Maximum stress induced = 420 + 187.266 = 607.266 kN/m2

Minimum stress induced = 420 - 187.266 = 232.734 kN/m2 .

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