Force Transmitted To the Ground Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Vibration Measuring Instruments - Force Transmitted To the Ground

Force Transmitted To the Ground:

Let a machine that is supported by foundation. The foundation may be replaced through a spring and damper. This system is illustrated in Figure 6. As damper and spring are in contact along ground, the force is also transmitted by the damper and spring.

1469_Force Transmitted To the Ground.png

The force transmitted Ft is specified by following

Ft   = k x + c ?

∴             x = X sin (ωt - φ)

∴             ? = X w cos (ωt - φ)

∴             Ft  = k X sin (ωt - φ) + c w X cos (ωt - φ)

Assume        k = R cos α  and      c w = R sin α

∴             tan α= cω/ k

∴             α= tan-1  cω/ k        --------- (11)

Here α is phase angle among response and force transmitted.

 ∴            Ft  = X R sin {(ωt - φ) + α}        ----------(12)

            1162_Force Transmitted To the Ground1.png------------------ (13)


  724_Force Transmitted To the Ground2.png ----------------(14)

FT is the amplitude of force transmitted to the ground

∴             FT    = FT sin {(ωt - φ) + α}                          --------------- (15)


       878_Force Transmitted To the Ground3.png     ------------(16)

FT is the amplitude of transmitted force and hence, this is the maximum force transmitted.

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