Find out force transmitted to the foundation Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Vibration Measuring Instruments - Find out force transmitted to the foundation

Find out force transmitted to the foundation:

A machine contains weight 1200 kg is mounted on springs of net stiffness 2 × 106 N/m. The machine is subjected to an external harmonic force of amplitude is equal to 490 N and frequency is equal to 180 rpm. Find out force transmitted to the foundation.


It is given that

Mass = 120 kg

Stiffness = 2 × 106 N/m

F0 = 490

ω= (2π 180)/60 = 6π r/s = 18.85 r/s

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Frequency ratio r = ω /ωn = 18.85 /40.82 = 0.4614

Force transmitted = F0 ε

1225_Find out force transmitted to the foundation1.png

As damping is negligible.

∴             Force transmitted =490/1 - r 2 = 1 - (0.4614)2 = 622.5 N

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