Domain of Operation of Seismometer and Accelerometer Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Vibration Measuring Instruments - Domain of Operation of Seismometer and Accelerometer

Domain of Operation of Seismometer and Accelerometer:

The accuracy of measurement by accelerometer and seismometer based on the correct identification of the domains of operation. The accuracy of seismometer based on its low natural frequency. The measuring frequency ought to be at least 2.5 times the natural frequency of the seismometer. The typical natural frequencies ought to be at least 2.5 Hz. Because of its large size seismometer are not utilized for mechanical applications.

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Letting damping also in the system, the relative displacement 'z' is specified by Equation (9). It might be written like

1448_Domain of Operation of Seismometer and Accelerometer1.png

1625_Domain of Operation of Seismometer and Accelerometer2.png

As wn is constant, the linearity of response will depend on

   143_Domain of Operation of Seismometer and Accelerometer3.png  ----------(10)

The function 'f' might be plotted in relation to ω /ωn to find out the useful range of an accelerometer. To keep factor 'f' near to 1 for a quite large range 'ζ' must be '0.7'. For perfect linearity

                                      ω / ωn  ≤ 0.25   with       j = 0.7

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