Calculate the lowest frequency Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Vibration Measuring Instruments - Calculate the lowest frequency

Calculate the lowest frequency:

Indicate the lowest frequency for the seismometer along 1% error. The natural frequency is equal to 4 Hz and damping factor is equal to 0.2.


It is given that

Error = 1%

fn = 4 Hz  & ζ = 0.2

2207_Calculate the lowest frequency.png

1.0201 = {r 4 - 1.84 r 2 + 1} = r 4

0.0201r 4  - 1.877 r 2  + 1.0201 = 0

r 4  - 93.38 + 50.75 = 0

It gives the following

 r = 9.63, 0.739

 For seismometer

r ≥ 1

∴ The lowest frequency that can be measured along 1% error is

9.63 × 4 = 38.54 Hz .

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