Calculate the highest frequency Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Vibration Measuring Instruments - Calculate the highest frequency

Calculate the highest frequency:

An accelerometer is made along a crystal of natural frequency 20 k Hz. The damping of the accelerometer is equal to 0.6. Calculate the highest frequency at which accelerometer may be utilized with 1% accuracy.


It is given that

Natural frequency fn = 20 k Hz

ζ = 0.7

Accuracy = 1%

The function specified in Equation (4) takes care of accuracy in the accelerometer

f = 1 - 0.01 = 0.99

388_Calculate the highest frequency.png

0.9801 {(1 - 2r 2 + r 4) + 4 × (0.7)2 r 2} = 1

Or   r 4 - 0.04r 2 + 1 = 1.02

Or r 4 - 0.04r 2 - 0.02 = 0

It gives the following,

r = 0.428

r = ω/ ωn =   f/ fn

∴ f = 0.428 × 20 = 8.56 k Hz

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