Calculate the amplitude of force transmitted Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Vibration Measuring Instruments - Calculate the amplitude of force transmitted

Calculate the amplitude of force transmitted:

A machine contains weight 650 kg operates at 1500 rpm. This has an unbalance 0.1 kg m. The damping in the isolators is specified by damping factor J = 0.1. Measure stiffness of isolators so that the transmissibility is less than or equal to 0.15. Calculate the amplitude of force transmitted.


It is given that

Mass of machine = 650 kg

 Speed = 1500 rpm

 Unbalance = 0.1 kg m

ζ = 0.1

ε = 0.15

1828_Calculate the amplitude of force transmitted.png

0.0225 {(1 - 2r 2  + r 4 ) + 0.04 r 2 } = 1 + 0.04 r 2

or            r 4  - 3.74 r 2  - 43.4 = 0

It gives the following,

r = 2.95

∴ ω/ ωn  = 2.95

ω= (2π× 1500) /60= 157.1 r/s

ω n =   ω/2.95 = 157.1 /2.95= 53.25 r/s

∴    813_Calculate the amplitude of force transmitted1.png

or            k = 650 × (53.25)2  = 1843409 N/m

= 1.84 mN/m

Unbalance = 0.1 kg m

Unbalanced force = 0.1 × (157.1)2 = 2468 N

Force transmitted to the ground

= 2468 × 1.5 = 370.2 N

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