Importance of Frame of Reference:
The importance of each term is as described below.
(i) v = d rA / dt = d X A / dt I¯ + d YA / dt J¯
This is the absolute velocity of point A in the vehicle and as we have supposed A as a pole, it also represents the translatory velocity of the vehicle.
(ii) v AB = ω × ( xB i + yB j) = ω × rAB
This represents the rotation of point B with respect to pole A which is attained by treating vector rAB of constant magnitude of the vehicle itself.
It is the velocity of B with respect to reference axes x, y associated to the vehicle. Therefore It is the velocity of B relative to the vehicle or called the relative velocity of B and represented as
Further we may combine

Where we may call v b is the velocity of the particle B if it was associated to the vehicle and this is termed as vehicle or base velocity.


Therefore we can say relative velocity is the difference of absolute and vehicle velocity.