Data Base of CAPP System Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Variant Process Planning Systems for casting - Data Base of CAPP System

Data Base of  CAPP System

The Data Base of the CAPP system often contains various layers which store the shop specific data/information in a structured fashion. In particular, it may contain the following :

  • Standard shape elements for weight estimation
  • Material specification data (ferrous/non-ferrous, alloys)
  • Work centers/equipments
  • Process data (casting, core-making, molding, dressing)
  • Standard times and costs
  • Archival parts and standard process plans


The Variant process planning systems are often Part and Shop specific as they work on the database containing standard parts and their process plans. Compared to manual (traditional) process planning, the variant CAPP systems provide significant saving (60-70%) in process planning and time/cost estimation activities. Further CAPP helps in improving consistency and reliability in planning.

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