Plug Valves Assignment Help

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Plug Valves:

A plug valve is a rotational motion valve used to stop or start fluid flow. A name is derived from the shape of the disk that resembles a plug. A plug valve is displays in Figure. The easiest form of a plug valve is the petcock. A body of a plug valve is machined to receive the cylindrical or tapered plug. The disk is a solid plug along with a bored passage at a right angle to the longitudinal axis of the plug.

1948_Plug Valves.png

Figure: Plug Valve

Within the open position, the passage within the plug lines up along with the inlet and outlet ports of the valve body. While the plug is turned 90° from the open position, a solid category of the plug blocks the ports and stops fluid flow.

Plug valves are available in either a lubricated or nonlubricated design and within a variety of styles of port openings by the plug as well as a number of plug designs.

Check Valves Diamond Port Plug
Diaphragm Construction Diaphragm Valve Bonnet Assemblies
Diaphragm Valve Stem Assemblies Diaphragm Valves
Lubricated Plug Valve Design Multiport Plug Valves
Nonlubricated Plugs Pinch Valves
Plug Ports Plug Valve Disks and Round Port Plug
Plug Valve Glands Reducing Valves
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