Measurement of pH:
pH measurements are part of routine tests completed to check and control several our day to day activities like potable water quality, soil usability for different plants, water quality in aquaristics, they are completed to control industrial processes, in wine-making and beer-making, to check milk quality, to check cosmetics - not to mention all labs throughout the world where pH measurements are performed many times a day to control reactions and analysis conditions.
pH can be measured in several ways, of which two are widely used. One - simple and often enough precise - is a use of colorimetric indicator methods, that is. Use of pH strips (pH papers). Second, more costly and more demanding in terms of procedure that have to be used, but giving much more precise results - is a potentiometric method with usage of glass electrodes and pH meters. Colorimetric (spectroscopic) methods have never gained much popularity; although they are occasionally used in places where glass electrodes. The mail disadvantage of this procedure is that it can't be immersed in the test solution.
Therefore, the pH determination is commonly completed through potentiometric methods, that is the most accurate methods and free of interferences.