The man command enables information to be found in the online manuals through identifies a keyword. The manual entry is called a man page; even by it is frequent more than one page long. There are general sections to man pages. This is Depending on the command; a few or all of the sections might be present. At begin of the man page is the Name. This is commonly a one-line that provide the command's name with a phrase describing what it does. The next is Synopsis that provides the command's syntax involving its arguments and options. Within the Synopsis, argument is optional if any argument is enclosed in square brackets like ([ ]). If two components of the syntax are separated with a vertical bar (|), then either one or the other (but not both) of the items is permit. The other sections are Files, Description and See Also.
For instance, the following command would show the man pages for the pwd command
# man pwd
More than One Command on a Line
More than one command can be typed on a line through separating the commands with a semicolon. For instance, both the current time and the user ID can be found out through typing the date and id commands on the similar line as given below.
# date; id
Mon Jan 18 20:39:56 GMT 1999
uid=102(sunil) gid=40(radiant)