Working with Files - cat Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Unix Files and Directories - Working with Files - cat

Working with Files

The UNIX system gives various tools which enable to work simply with files.   Betwen these tools are the commands which enable to create new files, remove files, copy files, move files among directories that examine the contents of the files and many more. 


This command can be used for the subsequent purposes:

  • To make a new file
  • To show the contents of an already existing file


cat [ filename]

in the syntax filename is the name of the file to be created or displayed.

The given example displays how to create a new file newfile using the cat command.

# cat > newfile

This is my new file created via cat command


Pressing ctrl-d marks the end of file.

The contents of the file newfile could be viewed as display below.

# cat newfile

This is my new file created via cat command

Note: the difference among two Commands.  One is used to make a file and the other to show its contents.

Redirection symbols which are used with the cat command are as follows:

>          Used to create a file

>>        Without overwriting the information it used to append

<          Used to input the file to commands

cat command could be used to display the contents of more than one file through providing the  filenames separated via a space.

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