Printing Files - ipsat Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Unix Files and Directories - Printing Files - ipsat


The print requests are spooled and they might not be performed instantly. An lpstat command to show the current status of all line printer.


lpstat [options]

Practice 1

The following instance displays the usage of the lpstat command.


Hplj-14 root    1524    May 10 17:34 hplj-15 sunil 1024        May 11 11:10

Here lpstat denotes in which there are two requests in the print queue. The first request is with ID hplj-14 initated through root of size 1524 blocks on May 10th 17:34 Hrs and the second request is with ID hplj-15 initiated through sunil of size 1024 block on May 11th at 11:10 Hrs.

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