Mass Of The Earth Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Units and Constants - Mass Of The Earth

Mass Of The Earth:

The Earth, also, is massive, though it is a mere speck as compared with the Sun. Expressed to four major figures, the Earth masses 5.974 x 1024 kg. This works out to around 6 hexillion metric tons.

How large a number is 6 hexillion? Let's use a same 3-dimensional analogy. Assume that you have a cubical box measuring 2.45x 105 meters, or 245 kilometers, on an edge. This is a cube around 152 mi tall by 152 mi wide by 152 mi deep. Now visualize an endless supply of little cubes measuring 1 centimeter on an edge. This is around the size of a gambling die or a sugar cube. Now assume that you are given the task of-you guessed it-stacking up all the little cubes in the giant box. Whenever you are finished, you will have placed around 6 hexillion little cubes in the box. This is the number of metric tons in mass of our planet Earth.

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