Unions and Class Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Union, Nested Classes, Constructors and Destructors - Unions and Class

Unions and class

Union is a user defined data type which size is enough to hold one of its members. At most, one of the members could be stored in a union at any time. Union is also used for declaring classes in C++ programming.   The members of a union are public by default.

A union permits storing its members only one at a time. A union might have member functions involving constructors and destructors, but not virtual functions. A union might not have base class. A class objects along with a constructor or a destructor or a user defined assignment operator cannot be a member of a union.  A union cannot have static data member.

The common form is

union user_defined_name








user_defined_name object;


union sample



int a;

char name;

void display ( );

void sum ( );


// sample program

# include<iostream.h>

union sample



int x;

float y;


void getinfo ( );

void disinfo ( );


void sample :: getinfo ( )


cout<<"value of x (in integer):";

cin>> x;

cout<<"value of y (in float):";

cin>> y;


void sample:: disinfo( )


cout<< endl;

cout<<"x = "<<x<< endl;

cout << "y= " << y << endl;


void main( void)


sample obj;

cout<<"enter the information"<< endl;

obj.getinfo( );

cout<<"\ content of union"<< endl;

obj.disinfo( );


the output is

enter the information

value of x (in integer ) : 45

value of y( in float ) :  9.89

content of union

x = 45

y = 9.89

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