Copy Constructors Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Union, Nested Classes, Constructors and Destructors - Copy Constructors

Copy constructors

Copy constructors are constantly used whenever the compiler has to create a temporary object of a class object. A copy constructor is used in the subsequent condition:

1.   The initialization of an object through another object of the similar class.

2.   Return of objects as a function value.

3.   Beginning the object as by value parameters of a function

The general form is:

Class_name:: class_name(class_name &ptr)

here class_name is user defined class name and ptr

is a pointer for a class object class_name.

Commonly, the copy constructors take an object of their own class as arguments a produce like an object. A copy constructor generally does not return a function value as constructors cannot return any function values.

// program of fibonacci numbers by using copy constructors

# include<iostream.h>

class fibonacci



long int f0,f1,fib;


fibonacci ( )


f0 = 0;

f1 = 1;

fib = f0 + f1;


fibonacci ( fibonacci &ptr)


f0 = ptr.f0;

f1 = ptr.f1;

fib = ptr.fib;


void increment( )


f0 = f1;

f1 = fib;

fib = f0 + f1;


void display ( )


cout<<"fibonacci number = "<<fib<<'\t';



void main(void)


fibonacci number;

for (int i = 0; i<=10;++i)


number.display( );

number.increment ( );



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