Solution of Differential Equation Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Undamped Free Vibration - Solution of Differential Equation

Solution of Differential Equation:

The differential eq of single degree freedom undamped system is given by following

                   m x' + kx = 0

or         x' =   (k /m)x = 0                . . . (7)

While coefficient of acceleration term is unity, the underroot of coefficient of x is equivalent to the natural circular frequency, that means 'wn'

                         2223_Solution of Differential Equation.png    . . . (8)

Hence, Eq. (7) becomes like this

               1454_Solution of Differential Equation1.png   . . . (9)

The eq is satisfied by functions sin wn t and cos wn t. So, solution of

Equation ( 9) may be written as

            x = A sin wn t + B cos wn t        . . . (10)

Here A and B are constants. These constants can be estimated from primary conditions. The system illustrated in Figure 2(i) might be disturbed in two  following ways :

 (i) by pulling mass by distance 'X', and

 (ii) by hitting mass by means of a primary moving object having a velocity say 'V'.

Letting (a) case

 t = 0,  x = X   and    x'= 0

∴ X = B         and          A = 0

∴ x = X cos wn t   . . . (11)

Letting (b) case

t = 0,         x = 0 and         x' = V

B = 0   and A = V/ wn

∴ x  = V/ wn sin wn t           . . . (12)

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