Ashlar Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Types of Stone Masonry - Ashlar


Plain Ashlar

Every stone shall be cut to the needed size and shape so as to be free from any distortion and to provide truly vertical and horizontal joints (Figure 16). Stones are laid in regular courses, not less than 15 cm in height and up to a maximum of 30 cm. All the courses should be of the similar height unless otherwise particular. The length of the stone shall not be less than double the height and the breadth at base shall not be greater than three fourth the thickness of the wall nor less than 15 cm. The faces which are to remain exposed in the final construction and the adjoining faces shall be fine chisel dressed to a depth of 6 mm so that while checked along with a straight edge the variation shall not be more than 1 mm. The courses shall be laid headers and stretchers alternately unless or else specified, and the headers shall be arranged to come as nearly as probable in the middle of stretcher above and below. Bond stones shall be given in each course, 1.5 to 1.8 m apart. The face joints in the work should not be more than 5 mm thick.



                                          Figure : Plain Ashlar Masonry


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