Types of Bank Deposits:
i. Demand deposits: It is deposit of funds (usually paper money and coins) with a bank which are withdrawable or transferable without prior notice by writing a cheque. Such deposits are held in current account of the customer, and a fee is charged for processing the cheque.
ii. Saving deposit: It is a deposit of fund with a bank which can be withdrawn with or without a notice of withdrawal. Savings deposits are held in savings account and they yield interest for the depositor.
iii. Time Deposit: It is a deposit of fund that cannot legally be withdrawn from the bank without at least 30 days notice of withdrawal. Time deposits are held in fixed deposit accounts opened for depositors and they yield interests.
Quasi - money or near money: These are assets which adequately serve as a store of value but do not fulfil the medium of exchange function. Examples include saving and time deposits, stock and shares, postal and money orders, treasury bills etc. What constitute quasi - money varies from one country to another.