Reinforcement in Concrete Assignment Help

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Reinforcement In Concrete:

Concrete is very strong in compression but weak in tension. Steel is equally strong in tension and compression but for long steel bars, it cannot resist equal amount of compressive force due to its buckling. Thus, the combination of steel and concrete is made to take up the stresses. Such combination of steel and concrete is called as reinforced concrete.

The given below following are the grades of steel reinforcement.

(a)        Mild steel (Fe250) : Grade I is known as mild steel (m.s.)

(b)       High Tensile Deformed Steel: It is additionally classified as follows:

(i)        Grade Fe 415

(ii)       Grade Fe 500.

Following are the advantages of steel reinforcement.

(a)        It has high tensile strength.

(b)       It can develop good bond with concrete.

(c)        It is easily available.

(d)       Its coefficient of thermal expansion is nearly equal to that of concrete.

(e)        It is simple to cut, bend, bind or weld.

(f)        Concrete is not generating any harmful effect on the embedded steel.

Introduction of deformed bars
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