Disadvantages of Concrete Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Types of Concrete - Disadvantages of Concrete

Disadvantages Of Concrete:

It has hardly any disadvantage if constructed properly; further some deficiencies can be overtaken by using some admixtures. Following are the disadvantages of concrete.

(a) It has low tensile stresses hence surface cracks develop which lead water to penetrate and cause corrosion of steel. But this drawback can be minimized by using steel bars and meshes.

(b) It shrinks on drying and expands on wetting. Provision of expansion joints is made which minimizes it. Concrete further expands and contracts, hence expansion joints provided take care of it.

(c) The concrete subjected to sustained loads causes creep.

(d) Concrete cannot be made impervious hence water soluble salts cause efflorescence which gives bad appearance to concrete. This further reduces life of electric fittings etc.

(e) Concrete is liable to alkalies attack and sulphate attacks hence deteriorates and disintegrates with time.

(f) Concrete themself is a brittle material.

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