General Coding System (For Spare Parts)
This system is exclusively meant for the spare parts and hence uses local codes of the organisation. The organisation may use any codes in alpha-numeric form and no restriction or limit of digits in the system. For example a company can code an item as follows:
Character 1
Code of section or department in which the equipment is used
Character 2
Code of the function (the equipment performs) in the section
Character 3, 4
Code or Number of the machine in the section
Character 5
Code of sub-unit or sub-assembly for which the part is used
Character 6, 7
Number of such spares used for the equipment
Character 8-10
Serial Number of the spare part as per stock list
Now for example, in a machine shop (say the code number of machine shop is 9), for a lathe (say lathe code is 8), on 48th machine's gear box (say the code of gear box sub-assembly is 3), three gears are used. A spare part used for third gear, say key enumerated as 263 in the spares list (which contains all the details of the specifications and required information such as date of purchase, expiry date etc.) is to be replaced.
This key should be given a code number as 9 8-48-3-03 263.
Drawbacks of the System
- Every time, whenever a machine is transferred from one department to the other, the code is to be changed.
- If a particular spare part is useful for more than one machine, it gets two code numbers and thus it leads to confusion.
- When a machine is updated with new technological features or with design out maintenance or new features is added, it becomes difficult to give the coding.
- This system is not universal; hence a new entrant into the system or department needs lot of time to get familiarized and needs assistance or training.