Copper and Corrosion of Pipes Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Type of Pipes - Copper and Corrosion of Pipes

Copper Pipes:

Copper pipes are manufactured in smaller diameter. These pipes are although costly but used in acidic and alkaline environments as they are highly resistant to acids and alkalis. As they can be bent easily and do not sag due to heat, they are used for carrying hot water within buildings and factories.

Corrosion of Pipes:

Water, while flowing through metallic pipes, reacts chemically with the surface of pipe and thereby causing loss of material. The phenomenon of continuous disintegration of metal pipe due to action of water is known as corrosion. In water supply system, corrosion not only causes significant loss in carrying capacity of pipe but also reduces life of pipe and joints. Corrosion also makes water unpalatable by imparting impurities like color and odour etc. The corrosion of metallic pipe due to water logged soil above the pipe is termed as external corrosion while corrosion because of water flowing or contained in pipe termed as internal corrosion.

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