Inverse Trigonometric Functions:
While the value of a trigonometric function of an angle is given, the size of the angle can be found. The inverse trigonometric function, in addition called as the arc function, describes the angle based on the value of the trigonometric function. For instance, the sine of 21 equals 0.35837; therefore, the arc sine of 0.35837 is 21.
There are two notations generally used to denote an inverse trigonometric function.
arcsin 0.35837 21°
sin-1 0.35837 21°
The notation arcsin means the angle whose sine is. The notation arc could be used as a prefix to any of the trigonometric functions. Same, the notation sin-1 means the angle whose sine is. It is significant to remember that the -1 in this notation is not a negative exponent but merely a detonated of the inverse trigonometric function.
For perform this function on a calculator, enter the numerical value and press the INV key, then the SIN, COS, or TAN key. To compute the inverse function of cot, csc, and sec, the reciprocal key must be pressed first then the SIN, COS, or TAN key.