Shorter Product Life Cycles and Customized Products
Shorter Product Life Cycles
Absolutely, one of the trends is the pressure because of competition to develop and produce new generations of products that are progressively more complex in less time. Examples of this trend are following: airplanes, automobiles, machine tools, computers and several other products. This particular technology "rat race" results in shorter product lives not because of the older products wear out but because new off springs makes previous items technologically out of date. The use of CAD/CAM systems makes this possible for companies to achieve the synthesis, analysis, CIM evolution, and documentation of the design in much less time than with manual methods.
More Customized Products
The products available to customers are becoming more individual & custom engineered. To meet the specific needs of the customers there are more special choices & features. This results smaller lot sizes. The number of products & components made in small batch sizes is expected to represent the majority of future activity in the world.