Elongation and Termination Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Translation in Eukaryotes - Elongation and Termination


-   The elongation level of translation in eukaryotes needs three elongation factors, eEF-IB, eEF-1A and eEF-2, that have same functions to their prokaryotic counterparts EF-G and EF-Tu, EF-Ts.

-   Although most codons encode the similar amino acids in together eukaryotes and prokaryotes, the mRNAs synthesized within the organelles of some eukaryotes use a different of the genetic code.

-  In During elongation in bacteria, the deacylated tRNA in the P site shifts to the E site prior to leaving the ribosome. In contrast, while the condition  is  still  not  completely  clear,  in  eukaryotes  the  deacylated  transfer RNA appears to be ejected straightly from the ribosome.


In the eukaryotes, eukaryotic release factor eRF-1 identifies all three termination codons that are UGA UAA, and UAG and, with the help of protein eRF-3, terminates translation.

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