Transformer Operation Under No-Load Assignment Help

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Transformer Operation Under No-Load:

If the secondary of a transformer is left open-circuited that was show in the figure, primary current is extremely low and is known as the no-load current.  No-load current generates the magnetic flux and supplies the hysteresis and eddy current losses in the core. The no-load current (IE) consists of two parts: the magnetizing current (Im) and the core loss (IH).  A Magnetizing current lags applied voltage through 90°, although core loss is in phase along with the applied voltage that was show in the figure.  VP and VS are display 180° out of phase.  IH is extremely small in comparison with Im, and Im is nearly equivalent to IE.  No-load current, IE, is also referred to as exciting current.

1262_Transformer Operation Under No-Load.png

Figure: Open-Circuit Secondary

Example: Whenever the secondary of a 120/440 V transformer is open, primary current is 0.2 amps at a PF of .3.  A transformer is a 5 kVA transformer.  Find out: (a) IP, (b) IE, (c) IH, and (d) Im.

(a)        Full load current = kVA Rating/VP

(b)      IP at no load is equal to IE

IE = 0.2 amp

(c)        IH - IE   cosθ - IE   x PF

0.2 (0.3)

IH =     0.06 amps

(d)       IM - IE   sinθ

θ = arccos 0.3 =         72.5°

= (0.2) sin 72.5° =      (0.2) (0.95)

IM =     0.19 amps

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