Clippers Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Transformers - Clippers


There are varieties of diode networks known clippers which have the ability to clip off a portion of the input signal without diminishing the remaining partition of the alternating waveform. The half wave rectifier learned earlier is a simplest form of diode clipper.

Based on the orientation of the diode, the +ve or -ve region of the input signal is "clipped" off.

Important Points for Clippers

A.      Create a sketch in your mind regarding the response of the network.

B.      Find out the applied voltage (Transition Voltage) that causes modifying in the diode bias.

C.      Be constantly aware of the declared terminal & polarity of Vo.

D.     Make sketch of the input signal on the top & the output at the bottom to find out the output at instant points of the input.

Types of Clippers

There are two common categories of the clippers.

(a)        Series

(b)        Parallel 

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Series Clippers
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