Calculating Load Voltage and Current Values Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Transformers - Calculating Load Voltage and Current Values

Calculating Load Voltage and Current Values

                                    In half wave rectifier the load voltage may be found as

                                                                        VL(pk) = V2(pk) - VF

                         V2(pk) is the secondary voltage  of the transformer, determined as

                                                                         V2(pk) = (N2/N1) V1


                                     N2/N1 = (it is the turn ratio of transformer secondary turns to primary turn)

                                    V1(pk) = (It is the  peak transformer primary voltage)

Above equation suppose that the transformer is given as a peak value.

More frequently than not, source voltages are given as rms values. While this is the case, the source voltage is transformed into peak value like follows:

                                                Vpk  = Vrms/0.707

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