Turns ratio:
The turns ratio in the transformer is ratio of the number of turns in primary, Tpri, to the number of turns in secondary, Tsec. This ratio can be given by Tpri:Tsec or Tpri/Tsec.
In the transformer with excellent primary to secondary coupling, following relationship always holds:
Epri/Esec = Tpri/Tsec
That is, primary to secondary voltage ratio is equal to the primary to secondary turns ratio shown in the figure given below.

Figure-- Primary and secondary turns and voltages in a transformer.
A transformer has a primary to secondary turns to ratio of exactly 9:1. The voltage at primary is 117 V. What is voltage at secondary?
This is step down transformer. Simply plug in numbers in the above equation and explain for Esec:
Epri/Esec = Tpri/Tsec
117/Esec = 9/1= 9
1/Esec = 9/117
Esec = 117/9 =13 V