Refinements are dictated through common sense and practical considerations. There are times example for, when the controller for incoming data flow is totally unnecessary when some input processing is needed in a module which is subordinate to the transform controller when high coupling due to global data cannot be avoided or when optimal structural characteristics cannot be get. The Software needs coupled with human judgment are the final arbiter.
Several modifications can be made to the 1st iteration structure established for the Safe Home monitor sensors subsystem that is as follows:
(1) the incoming controller can be erased because it is unnecessary when a single incoming flow path is to be maintained.
(2) The sub substructure generated from the transform flow can be imploded into the module develop alarm conditions that will now include the processing implied through select phone number. The transform controller will not be required and the small decrease in cohesion is tolerable.
(3) The modules format generate and display can be imploded we suppose which display formatting is quite simple into a new module that is called produce display. The sophisticated software structure for the monitor sensors subsystem is described in Figure.
The goal of the preceding 7 steps is to establish a global representation of software. Which is once structure is described, we can refine and evaluate software architecture through viewing it as a whole. The Modification made at this time need little additional work since can have a profound impact on software maintainability and quality.