Find out power loss in the secondary Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Three-Phase Transformer Connections - Find out power loss in the secondary

Find out power loss in the secondary:

A 5:1 step-down transformer has a full-load secondary current of 20 amps.    The short circuit test for copper loss at full load provides a wattmeter reading of 100 W. If RP = 0.3 ?, find out RS and power loss in the secondary.


Copper Loss I2P   RP +I2S RS=100 W

 To find IP:


IP = (NS/ NP) IS = (1/5) 20 = 4 amps

To find RS:

I2s   Rs -100 - I2p RP

 RS =   100 - I2p RP / I2s =(100-0.3(4)2)/202 =0.24

Power loss in secondary = I2s   Rs =(20)2 (0.24) = 96 W

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