Angle of twist of a thin-walled hollows Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Thin Walled Non-circular Section Shafts - Angle of twist of a thin-walled hollows

Angle of twist of a thin-walled hollows:

The shearing stress τ at any point of the wall may be expressed in terms of the torque T if we substitute for q.

                                         τ=  T / 2 tA

where, t is the wall thickness at the point considered and A, the area bounded by the centre line. For elastic deformation the distribution of stresses across the wall can be assumed uniform, and the above equation shall yield the actual value of the shearing stress at a given point of the wall.

The angle of twist of a thin-walled hollows haft can be obtained by utilizing the method of energy. Strain energy per unit volume

n =( ½)  τ2/  G

Total strain energy of small element of length l and width ds

dU =     (τ2/2G  )dV

1440_Derive a relation between the torque and shear flow1.png

where dV = t l ds and τ from Eq.

∴          U = ∫T2l/ 8 A2 G . (ds/t)

Since t is variable ( ds /t) is to be integrated. It is better to represent above integral as

                              1845_Derive a relation between the torque and shear flow2.png

                                                         θ= dU /dT

 ∴   781_Derive a relation between the torque and shear flow3.png

If ds /t is integral, that means. if t may be expressed as function of S, then

θ= (Tl/4 A2 G) ∫ds/t 

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