Stresses Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Thick Cylinders - Stresses


Figure illustrates a thick cylinder subjected to an internal pressure, P1 & external pressure P2. The internal and external radii are respectively r1 & r2,.



In order to derive expressions for the internal stresses, let an annular cylinder of radius r and radial thickness dr. On any small element of this ring, σr shall be radial stress and σh will be the hoop stress. Assuming the equilibrium of the ring similar to a thin cylinder as illustrated in Figure.



Through bursting force in the vertical direction, we obtain

 σr  × 2 x ×l - [(σr  + d σr ) × 2 ( x + dr ) × l ]

Neglecting the second order terms,

Bursting force = - 2l (σr dx + x d σr )

Resisting force = 2 × dr × l × σh

Equating the two,        2 × dr ×l × σh  = - 2l (σr dr + r d σr )

σ h  = - σ r  - x (d σr/ dr)

Therefore, we get

σ h + σ r  +   r d σr  / dr  = 0

Calculation of Stresses
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