Thin Cylinders Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Thick and Thin Cylinders - Thin Cylinders

Thin Cylinders:

In this section, we shall obtain expressions for the stresses and strains in thin cylinders and utilize them for working out associated problems.


The following assumptions are made to derive the expressions for the stresses and strains in thin cylinders:

 (a) The diameter of the cylinder is more than 20 times the thickness of the shell.

 (b) The stresses are consistently distributed through the thickness of the wall.

 (c) The ends of the cylindrical will are not supported from sides.

 (d) The weight of the cylinder & that of the fluid contained inside are not taken into account.

 (e) The atmosphere pressure is taken as the reference pressure.

Expressions for the bursting and resisting forces Pressure working on the curved surface
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