Recorder Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Thermogravimetric analysis - Recorder


Graphic recorders   are preferred to meter categories recorders.   X-Y recorders are generally used as they plot weight straight against temperature. An present instrument  facilitate   microprocessor  controlled operation and digital data acquisition and processing using personal computer along with various kinds recorder and plotter for  better presentation of data.

In Figure, we have display a schematic diagram of the specific balance and furnace assembly as a whole to better know the working of a thermobalance.  In this diagram you could clearly see in which the whole of the balance system is housed in a glass to protect it from dust and gives inert atmosphere. Here a control mechanism is used to regulate the flow of inert gas to gives inert atmosphere and water to cool the furnace.  The temperature sensor of furnace is connected to the programme to control heating rates, etc.  A balance outcome and thermocouple signal might be fed to recorder to record the TG Curve.


Figure: Schematic diagram of a typical balance and furnace assembly

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