Thermal Stresses in Tapered Bars Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Thermal Stresses - Thermal Stresses in Tapered Bars

Thermal Stresses in Tapered Bars:

In this section, we will study the problem of thermal stresses in slowly tapering bars. Because the cross-sectional area is differing along the length of the bar, so does the stress. Herein, we will derive expression for thermal stress in bars along circular cross-section. For other cross-sections, as square etc., expressions for stresses may be derived in a similar fashion.

Fully Restrained Tapered Bar

Let the bar shown in given fig, which is circular in cross-section but tapering from a diameter d2 to d1 over the length L. The bar is totally restrained at its ends. Now, Assume the temperature of the bar enhanced by ΔT.

Determine the maximum stress in the bar Fully Restrained Tapered Bar
Partially Restrained Tapered Bar
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