Determine the Youngs modulus Assignment Help

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Determine the Youngs modulus:

A composite rod is build by joining a copper rod end to end with a second rod of different material but of similar cross-section. At 25oC, the composite rod is 1 m in length of that the length of copper rod is 30 cm. At 125oC, the length of the composite rod enhance by 1.91 mm. While the composite rod is not permitted to expand by holding it among two rigid walls, this is found that the length of constituents does not change with rise in temperature. Determine the Young's modulus & coefficient of linear expansion of the second rod. For copper, α = 1.7 × 10- 5 oC- 1, & Y = 1.3 × 1011 Nm- 2.


For copper rod α1 = 1.7 × 10- 5 oC- 1, and Y1 = 1.3 × 1011 Nm- 2, l1 = 30 cm = 0.3 m. Let l2 be initial length of the rod of other material at 25oC, and α2 & Y2 be coefficient of linear expansion and Young's modulus for the material of this rod. After that, at initial temperature θ1 = 25oC, l1 + l2 = 1 m, l2  = 1 - l1  = 1 - 0.3 = 0.7 m

Assume the final temperature θ2 = 125oC, enhance in the length of cooper rod and that of other material be Δl1 & Δl2, respectively.


Δl1 + Δl2 = 1.91 mm = 1.91 × 10- 3  m


Δl1 = l1 α1  (θ2  - θ1 ) = 0.3 × 1.7 × 10- 5 × (125 - 25) = 0.51 × 10- 3  m


Δl2  = l2 α2  (θ2  - θ1 ) = 0.7 × α2  × (125 - 25) = 70 α2

By substituting for Δl1 and Δl2 in Eq. (A), we obtain

0.51 × 10- 3 + 70 α2  = 1.91 × 10- 3


α2  = 2.0 × 10- 5 oC -1


Y =   (F/A)/ (Δl/C) =  FL/ A Δl  ⇒ F = (Y A Δl)/l

Let A be the cross-section of each of the two rods, therefore, tension produced in copper rod F1 = (Y 1A Δl)/ l1, and tension produced in the rod of other material, F = Y2 A Δl2/ l2. The tension developed in the two rods shall be same that means F1 = F2.


Y1 A Δl1 / l1= Y2 A Δl2/ l2

or         Y2  = Y1  (l2 Δl1 )/( l1 Δl2) ⇒ Y2  = 1.3 × 1011 ×(0.7 × 0.51 × 10- 3)/ (0.3 × 1.40 × 10- 3)


Y2 = 1.105 × 1011 Nm- 2

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