Fully Restrained Stepped Bar Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Thermal Stresses in Stepped Bars - Fully Restrained Stepped Bar

Fully Restrained Stepped Bar:

If the bar were free to expand, it would have extended by a length ΔL given by

ΔL = L1 α1 ΔT + L2 α2 ΔT

= (L1 α1 + L2 α2) ΔT

Since the bar is fully restrained, P, the compressive force produced would have to produce a contraction equal to ΔL. Consider this force generate a stress σ1 in part 1 and σ2 in part 2 (these are the thermal stresses).

σ1 = P/A1  , σ2  = P/ A2

σ 1A1  =σ 2 A2 or σ  = A1/A2  × σ1

σ1 shall produce a strain equal to   σ1/ E1 and a change in length ΔL1 equal to   σ1 L1 / E1

Likewise, σ2 shall produce a change in length ΔL2 equal to   σ2 L2/ E2 . Therefore, the total change in length due to the application of force P will be equal to (ΔL1 + ΔL2  ) ,

We get,

ΔL1 + ΔL2 =     σ 1L 1 / E1   +     σ 2L2/ E2

But this should be equal to ΔL.

Therefore,          σ 1L1 / E1 + σ2 L2/ E2  = ΔL = (L1 α1 + L2 α2 ) ΔT

But, 932_Fully Restrained Stepped Bar1.png

σ2  =   ( A1 / A2) σ1

∴          σ1 ((L1 /  E1)   +  (L2A1)/(A2E2) = ΔT (L1 α1 + L2 α2 )


∴          σ 1 = (ΔT E 12A2(L1 α 1 + L  2α 2))/ ( A1 E1 L2  + A2 E2 L1 )

     ∴         σ 2 =    (ΔT E 12A2(L1 α 1 + L  2α 2))/ ( A1 E1 L2  + A2 E2 L1 )


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Herein, we have assumed that the two parts of the bar are build of two different materials. Rather, if the total bar is of a single material of Young's Modulus E and coefficient of linear expansion α,

E1 = E2 = E and α1 = α2 = α

Then σ1 and σ2 decrease to

σ1 = (ΔT E A2 α L ) / (A1 L2  + A2 L1)

σ2  =  ΔT E A α L / (A1 L2  + A2 L1)

Furthermore, if the cross-section is uniform throughout (A1 = A2 = A), both the above expressions decrease to

σ1  = σ2  =σ = E α ΔT

a result which we have already derived for uniform bars.

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