Shearing Stress Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Theory of Torsion - Shearing Stress

Shearing Stress:

A thin ring of depth dr at a radius r is chosen on the cross-section as illustrated in Figure. At this radius shearing stress τr acts on the ring, whose area is following

dA = 2π r . dr

Thus, the shearing force on this ring,

Fs  = τr  dA

or         F  = r .  τ m /(d/2) . 2π r dr d

The torque because of  this shearing force is

dT = Fs . r = (4π τm /d) . r3 dr d

591_Shearing Stress.png


 T = τm/(d/2) . π d4/32

 In the above equation, π d 4 /32 is the polar moment of inertia of circular section of diameter, d and is mention by J.


T / J = τm/(d/2)

Using Eq. (7), we can write

τr / r = T / J  = Gθ/ l

Above are the torsional relationships - three equations correlating :

T = Torque on circular cross-section shaft,

J =  (π /32 )d 4 = Polar moment of inertia of circle of diameter, d,

θ = Angle of twist in radians,

G = Modulus of rigidity,

L = Length of the shaft, and

τr = Shearing stress at a point on circular section at radius, r. The polar moment of inertia is defined as

1273_Shearing Stress1.png

 J represents the moment of inertia of the shaft section around the axis of the shaft. The moment of inertia of a plane area, w.r.t. an axis perpendicular to the plane of the figure is called as polar moment of inertia with respect to the axis normal to the plane. In a circular plane, always the z-axis is through the centre of the circle. Thus, J is known as polar moment of inertia that means moment of inertia about z-axis.

Calculating Shearing Stress
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