Application of Prisoners Dilemma Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Theory of market failure - Application of Prisoners Dilemma

Application of Prisoners Dilemma:

Prisoner's Dilemma is of interest to the social sciences such as economics, politics, and sociology, as well as the biological sciences such as ethology and evolutionary biology. This has a practical importance as all living beings are engaged in endless games of Prisoner's Dilemma.


1) Prisoner's Dilemma scenario is used to illustrate the problem of two states engaged in an arm race, that is, to use weapons or not.

2) Cycle race - two cyclists may work together (mutual cooperation) by sharing tough load of the front position or makes an effort to stay ahead (mutual defection).

3) In Business - two competing firms must decide how much resources to devote to advertisement i.e. profits derived through advertising is more or less for them. A Prisoner's Dilemma occurs when both firm A and firm B have dominant strategies, so that the outcome is easy to predict.

4) Newspapers - if someone takes a paper without paying (defecting) but very few do, recognizing the resultants harm if everybody stole newspapers (mutual defection). This is called " magical thinking " with respect to pure Prisoner's Dilemma.

5) Each villager makes a choice for personal gain or restraint. The collective reward for defection is very low pay offs.

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