Stolper-Samuelson Theorem Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Theorems of international trade - Stolper-Samuelson Theorem

Stolper-Samuelson Theorem:

To  determine the effects  of  changes  in  output prices  on  factor prices we differentiate the above two cautions with respect to prices. We have,  

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That  is, if  one  industry  is more labor  intensive  than  the other, the  above comparative  - statics  result is well defined.
For example, suppose industry-l  is labor intensive,  then

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These  results are known  as the Stolper-Samuleson theorem. Essentially, the insight thrown by  these is:  if the price of labor-intensive industry is increased, nominal wage  rate will rise whereas  capital  rental  rates will  fall. Generally speaking, the price of a factor of production will rise  if the output price of the industry,  in which that factor is most intensively used, rises;  it will  fall if  the output price of the  industry, which  is  less intensive  in  that  factor,  increases.

Let us now present this diagrammatically.

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Consider an  increase in P1/P2 such  that the price line (t1) is steeper than (t2).  In a full employment economy, efficient  production point moves from C to D such that production of yl  rises and y2  falls. Correspondingly,  the economy moves from  E to E along the contract curve O1 O2. Due  to CRS, along any  ray through  the origin  MRTS12  is  the  same.  Thus,  we  have

2438_Stolper-Samuelson Theorem5.png . Given  diminishing MRTS,  along  on  isoquant we 4 W have702_Stolper-Samuelson Theorem6.png is the optimum point, we get1775_Stolper-Samuelson Theorem7.png

 rises. Thus, producers in both sectors

substitute K for L. The increase in capital intensity implies MPL  rises and MPk falls in both the sectors. Profit maximisation requires, MPL  =  real wage to rise and MPK  =  real rental to fall.

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