Conversion under Anaerobic Conditions
Methane (CH4) is a useful gaseous by-product of anaerobic conversion, since it could be combusted to produce heat/energy. Instead if it is released to the atmosphere without being combusted, that contributes to the greenhouse gas effect.
Conversion under Photosynthetic Conditions
Sunlight and CO2 + rH2O + tNH3 → Cw Hx Oy Nz + bO2
As display by the conversion reactions (the utilisation of organic wastes for food through micro-organisms) the product is majorly the cellular material of the micro-organisms that is more organisms are produced. A growth yield is the weight of micro-organisms produces per unit weight of organic substances consumed through the micro-organisms. The growth yield depends on the kind of substrate and environmental conditions. The smaller a value of the growth yield the better it is for waste treatment, because less sludge is produced that requires disposal. Its value is usually among 0.2 and 0.5 for aerobic conversion, although the corresponding value for anaerobic conversion is smaller