Managing Organizational Conflict,Nature of Organizational Conflict Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> The Managerial Function Of Organizing - Managing Organizational Conflict,Nature of Organizational Conflict

Managing Organizational Conflict

Also included in organizing function are the management of organizational conflict and change.

 Nature of Organizational Conflict

This is the disagreement within the context of an organizational setting between individual employees, groups or departments, or between employees and the organization.

Organizational conflict can either be positive or negative, some conflicts lead into better performance while others result into reduction in performance.


(a)    Multiple Value Sources—people's values differ as they come from different backgrounds (different religions, philosophies, education etc.)

(b)    Idealized individual values (interest) vs. practical organizational values. The organization may demand behaviour at variance with personal wants and interests.

(c)    Interdependency between people or groups within the organization.

(d)    Competition—between people or groups can also cause conflict.

(e)    Difference in goals—can cause conflict between departments.

For management conflict may arise when:

(a)     Their authority is challenged
(b)    Their private rights are questioned (does a manager have a private life beyond his work in the company?)

Whatever the cause of conflict it must be noted that the consequences are the same: either

(a)  hostility—people refuse to cooperate and are antagonistic

(b)  withdrawal—refusing to socialize or leaving the organization

(c)  motivation—where conflicting parties strive to prove each other wrong.

Intergroup Conflicts Managing Conflict
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