Definition of Organizing
Koontz defines organizing as "the grouping of activities necessary to attain objectives, the assignment of each grouping of activities to a manager with authority necessary to supervise it, the provision for coordination vertically and horizontally in the enterprise structure.”
Another definition refers to organizing as the process of identifying and grouping the work to be performed, defining and delegating responsibility and authority and establishing relationships for the purpose of ensuring people to work together effectively.
Specifically organizing is the process of grouping activities and resources in a logical and appropriate fashion.
Most organizations start in one form and then evolve into other forms as they grow, shrink or otherwise change. Organization process involves shaping the organization as it grows, shrinks or changes.
Any step or activity that is undertaken and which leads to changes in the organization e.g creating new jobs is part of the process of organizing. One can never truly finish the process of organizing. New opportunities, threats and challenges keep arising and these cause the manager to modify or adjust his organization.